Sunday, April 5, 2015

Happy Easter


I hope everyone had an awesome week and has a great Easter:)

For Lent this year I decided to give up make-up and going out to eat.  (I'm curious, what did everyone else do or give up?) I did this for my health, my finances and my self-esteem.  Personally I do not wear a lot of make-up but I realized I quickly became uncomfortable going out in public without make-up.  Which is not cool.  I should feel comfortable in my own skin 24/7.  I won't lie, the first few weeks were rough.  I felt very self conscious and extremely unattractive.  Which is crazy because I am beautiful just as I am, but it can be really hard to remember that.  Today being a girl/woman is no easy task since it feels like the world is always telling you need to change or fit this idea of what is considered pretty.  As hard as it may be, just remember you are perfect just as you are.  YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL.  Eventually it got a little easier and some days I forgot I wasn't wearing any which was kind of a miracle.  Plus not putting on make-up gave me some extra time to sleep in ;)

Going out to eat was bad on my wallet and my health despite how convenient it was.  I admit I gave in a couple times but I thought I did pretty well.  I also kept in mind that I did make a New Years Goal of being healthier so this was definitely a step in the right direction.  Now that Lent is over I hope to continue these new habits because they are positive.  Maybe I only go out to eat for special occasions and I just wear make up to class and not work or something.

A piece of exciting news is that I was officially confirmed last night!! For some reason I was nervous but I was also excited and it meant a lot for me to have my parents and friends supporting me.  It was no easy decision to come back to my faith and to make such a large commitment.  I could have easily said "no thanks" and just showed up to mass every now and then and it keep at the surface.  Instead I decided to explore my faith deeper and made sure Confirmation was something I wanted and was ready for.  And it was:) Happy Easter!

My amazing sponsor who continues to inspire me!

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